Sunday, December 30, 2007
Dalynn and I had the night off (my mom and sister stayed with Cole) and got a chance to go to church this morning. I could tell how much time had passed by how much bigger all the kids at church seemed. It was wonderful to see our church family and we got a chance to talk to them as a body, as well.
Our last service of the year was a continental breakfast style get-together and it was an ideal way to catch up with everyone. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and my heart swelled with gratitude for all of these people who have done so much for us.
We headed back to the hospital around 3.
Time seems to move differently in the hospital. I can't quite figure it out, but I think it has something to do with living one day at a time. You don't really make plans while you're here, you just wake up and all you consider is the day that lays in front of you. You live the day as best you can and when night comes you tend to spend time contemplating what went on in the day that just passed. Then you go to bed, probably earlier than you would at home. The next day will roll around sooner than you probably wish, at least from a sleep perspective.
I can't help but think of the scripture where Christ tells us to consider only today, as today has enough troubles all on its own. It's very true. To some extent, I wish I could have this hospital mentality at home. Maybe I could just place my faith in the Lord and live the day at hand to its fullest. Maybe I could just trust that the Lord will see to the needs of tomorrow and let Him, instead of wasting so much time worrying about it myself (and making futile plans, hehe).
At any rate, I know that I've lived mainly day-to-day over the past month and a half. That makes this time seem so much longer and even fuller than a regular month and a half would normally feel. Not all of it has been pleasant, but I certainly can say that I've lived more in this time than I ever have in any given month and a half in the past.
It's an interestingly satisfying feeling.
Friday, December 28, 2007
There's a Fungus Among Us
Cole does officially have a fungal infection. Further, a CT scan today showed that it was in his brain. Dr. Lowe (one of the oncologists) says that it is only "small spots" in his brain, though, so there is some sort of silver lining. Most likely the spots in his lungs, heart and brain are all fungal.
The infectious disease doctor, Dr. Fisher, thinks it is aspergillus. That's not a good thing, from what I can gather, but it is treatable.
The course of treatment will probably last for a very long time, as in months if not years. It's very hard to treat fungal infections and they have a tendency to come back. Cole will be getting two anti-fungal medications for the time being, but will eventually get moved down to one. We'll likely be in the hospital for a while, as well, as fungal infections are slow to respond (but they are also slow to grow).
Despite all the bad news, it is nice to finally have a diagnosis (of sorts). It was pretty painful when no one knew what it was and folks kept waffling back and forth on what it could be, but no one would give us a definite answer. Now, we have a definite answer and we also have a definite way to move forward. We will continue to move on, and will continue to fight as best we are able. This really changes nothing.
Cole will continue to get his chemo on time. He will also get periodic CT scans to make sure that the infection is being treated. Our number one priority right now is to fight leukemia as it is, by far, the more dangerous of the two diseases.
Now, for some positive news.
Cole was taken off of contact precautions today so we were able to go to the play room! He played for an hour and a half, standing for at least 30 minutes and even trying to walk on his own. At first he was rather shaky on his feet, but as he stood he got steadier. It was good to see him playing and having a good time.
Also, when we got back from the PACU after the CT scan I was eating a piece of cheese. Cole saw it and decided he wanted it, so I gave it to him. He spent the next 5 minutes talking to and about the cheese, but not eating it. I finally asked him, "are you going to talk about it or eat it?" Cole looked at me, and with a very serious expression said, "I gonna talk about it".
All things considered, our spirits are good, and we're settling in to whatever this new diagnosis will bring. I'm not feeling stressed about being in the hospital, and we're back to sharing the load, so I guess that's good.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Fever City
They're going to start Cole back on the anti-fungal medicine, which is something that Dalynn and I had wondered about. When they took him off of the anti-fungal medicine he started running fevers again.
Though this is bad news, it does appear to be an answer to prayer, as well. Most of us have been praying for the doctors to have wisdom, and this sounds like a cut-and-dried case of a doctor having wisdom.
So, continue praying and now pray that the anti-fungals wipe out the fungus wholesale.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas at CHKD
CHKD provided a bunch of toys for us to put out for Cole, and we brought a few of the more transportable ones from home (his new train table turned out to be too big to bring in the room, go figure!). Consequently, when Cole woke up we had a bunch of toys piled on the end of his bed. Cole was quite impressed and took to opening his presents straight away. He was quite enamored of Hungry, Hungry Hippos and a firetruck and airplane that you can take apart with a screwdriver.
Late in the afternoon, my mom brought Christmas dinner (once again all the food was provided by our neighbors, bless them all) and we pigged out while singing carols to Cole. Cole, in turn, sang us the theme song from Little Einsteins.
Cole continues to run periodic fevers, especially at night, but thus far the doctors don't seem very concerned about that. He's still receiving 2 antibiotics by IV, though they may discontinue the Vancomycin tomorrow.
There's no definite end to our hospitalization, unfortunately. Cole has to be fever free for at least 24 hours, and we may opt for 48 hours just to be safe. We definitely don't want to bounce back in here again once we do go home.
In the back of my mind is lurking the fear that there is something else that didn't get cultured and that is only being partially treated, though I can't imagine what it might be. Hopefully, this is just the baseless fear of a father for his child.
Pray that Cole's fevers stop and that his infection is treated fully. Also pray for strength in this continued hospitalization, as we've now been in the hospital for almost 2 weeks. We're all holding up relatively well, all considered, but it never hurts to pray for what you know you'll eventually need.
Merry day after Christmas to you all, and a happy New Year!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Still Standing
Overwhelmingly, I've found myself tired. Exhausted, really. This has been the most mentally and physically demanding thing I've ever done. Dragging myself out of bed at all hours and coping with a toddler that is not only jacked up on meds but made willful by them is rather tedious.
When I've not been exhausted, I've felt altogether human. Felt. Isn't that what a "spiritual experience" is, though? It's an experience, which means it's something that must be felt. If it's felt, then it must be a feeling, and if it's a feeling, it must be subject to all that affects regular human perceptions. Perceptions are intrinsically flawed and subjective. I'll let you do the math from there.
I'm not trying to take away from spiritual experiences, though. They can and often are the way that God chooses to reach us, or the way that we are most able to be reached by God, I should say. I've had some awesome spiritual experiences and, before this, they were the primary way that God and I communicated. They are also unreliable, though, as I've found many times when a spiritual experience was not to be had and I felt abandoned by God.
However, I don't feel abandoned now, even though I have had a noticeable lack of any spiritual experiences recently. Quite the contrary, I feel born up by the hand of God, sustained by Him. See, in this time, I have a new proof that He is with me. I know He's there by the simple fact that I'm still standing.
Friday, December 21, 2007
After Surgery Update
So, right now, all the news is good and Cole is being treated in just the right way for what they've cultured so far.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Surgery Done
We had a shock this morning when they said that Cole had the condition meningitis. I say condition because meningitis is actually a condition with many causes. It means he has an inflammation of the meningeal lining (I think that's what it's called), and the likely cause is that the infection in his lungs and heart has also infected the meningeal lining (that's the lining around your brain). It showed up as white blood cells, which were not leukemic, in his spinal fluid.
The incredibly preliminary results are that it is a bacterial infection (as opposed to a fungal infection), which is good. It means it can be treated with antibiotics. We'll know more tomorrow once the cultures have had a chance to grow.
I'm sure we're going to be here a while, this time, probably through Christmas, but that's OK with me, now. I just want Cole to get on the other side of this and get well, so that he can continue his treatment and beat cancer.
As I sit and write this, Cole is sleeping soundly in his nifty bed, his pulse a low 135 and his O2 stats in the high 90s. To most of you, this won't mean much, but to us, it means all is well, at least right now.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Back to the Hospital
All joking aside, they've finally found the reason for Cole's fevers over the past week. Cole spiked a fever of 103 this morning before we came to clinic and this prompted Dr. Owen to order a CT scan of Cole's chest. The scan found roughly 10 "masses" in his lungs, what are most likely either a bacterial or a fungal infection. Further testing, via an echocardiogram (ultra-sound of the heart) showed that Cole also has several more masses in his heart.
The source of this infection seems most likely to be his picc line, which is not uncommon. They pulled his picc today, but thankfully were able to get a new IV stick with just one try in the clinic, so he has IV access. Pray that his IV functions properly until it is not needed anymore.
Cole will be going into surgery sometime tomorrow morning for a biopsy of the masses in his lungs. From this, they hope to get an idea of what the infection is so that they can successfully treat it quickly.
As a result of all of this, one of Cole's chemo drugs, vincristine, was held today. I don't know when it will be given to him, but it is a pretty major thing to completely hold a drug like that.
Pray for Cole to come succesfully and safely through surgery tomorrow, and for the biopsy to reveal what the infection is. Then, pray for a quick treatment with no lasting effects for Cole.
The only note of encouragement I can give you right now is that the doctors are optimistic about the outcome of Cole's treatment. Pray for wisdom and guidance for them as they continue to treat Cole.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Cole 1, Cancer 0
Praise God.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
The Good
First, and probably most significant, Cole's day 29 bone marrow came back with 0% blasts! We are waiting on the Minimal Residual Disease, which is much more sensitive than the other tests for the final word (and praying for less than 0.1% blasts from that), but by the old definitions, before they had all the fancy tests, Cole is almost in remission. We're waiting on his counts (or good cells) to come back up. Remission means that his bone marrow is not producing cancer cells and is producing good cells. It's not a "cure", it just means that the cancer is under control.
Another good thing that has happened recently is that we have finished with induction, stopped the steroids, and our little boy is coming back! Even while we've been in the hospital, Cole has started to rebound from the zombie he had become while in induction, due in large part to the steroids. He's laughing and smiling again, making jokes, and talking! He's talking almost non-stop again, which is much more like him. He's still eating a lot, but his appetite is obviously decreasing and his puffiness is going away before our eyes. It's breathtaking to get your child back in what is almost the blink of an eye, and I can't wait for him to make a full comeback.
Lastly, Dalynn and I are starting to distribute the load of Cole's treatment better. For instance, only one of us (me, tonight) is staying at the hospital with Cole at night. The other is able to go home, enjoy Logan and get some sleep. We're also planning on trying to solo the clinic, though that will most likely be Dalynn to begin with, as I try and get back to a more normal work routine.
Distributing the load may sound trivial, but it's very important. It means that we're less prone to burn-out and that we can more easily manage our daily lives, since less of our daily lives are being consumed by cancer.
All in all, even though we're in the hospital again, things are "looking up", as Gary would say.
Another Word From Dalynn
I just wanted to take a few minutes to say "THANK YOU"!! Michael and I couldn't have made it through any of this without you!! We have been overwhelmed by all of the support and so incredibly BLESSED by ALL OF YOU!!!
Some days I check my email just to hear the words of encouragement and to know we are not in this alone! God is with us and you, all of you, are in this with us! The Body of Christ is definitely AMAZING!
There have been many hard days since my last email, but the sliver lining in all of it is that Cole's Bone Marrow results from this Wed. reveled his Blast, Luekemia cells, are 0%!! Is God AWESOME, or what!!
All I can say is. . .Thank you for holding our hands up and helping us to fight, endure and have victory!! To me those words do not come close to truely expressing how we truely feel, but they are all I have! Just know you are making a difference and helping us through one of the most difficult things we have ever had to go through.
Cole is a Champ!! And he is fighting hard to kick cancer's butt!! :)
We love all of you and so appreciate each one of you so much!
With a thankful heart,
Friday, December 14, 2007
The New Land of Normal
The first time they suggested this, a week or two ago (last time we were hospitalized) I was adamant I did not want him to have to have it done. This time, though, my feelings have changed, and I think it's an indication of what the new normal is for us. Now, I feel that if it will clear his constipation and allow him to keep things down, let's do it, and in a hurry.
We had a friend stop by, and he brought us some Starbucks, which was awesome. He's a coworker of mine, Anthony, and he and his wife just had a baby 4 months ago, Raymond. Raymond is quite adorable, which I'm sure he gets from his mother and certainly not from his father.
When Anthony was here, I was reminded strongly of when Cole was a baby, and I had a sense of surreality when I started thinking about how I would have felt about this hospital room and leukemia when Cole was as young as Raymond. It would have seemed horrible, and something that must be terrible to endure. Especially having to watch my child go through it.
Now, it is no less terrible to endure, but it is quickly becoming apparent that it is, in fact, endurable. This thing is not going to eat my soul, though it may try, and if it does try, I will simply have to resist.
That's the new normal, I think. It has new rules.
Rules like: Fevers are a potentially life threatening event which must be approached with the utmost care.
Rules like: If a fever exists, then it is imperative to not go through the ER, where they do not necessarily know how to take care of your child and could inadvertently do something which can kill your child.
I guess the new normal means I have to tolerate these rules. And, in deed, I do, and I'm starting to. I'm learning to accept many things that I don't think I've ever considered before. Like, learning how to harden my heart to my son's piteous cries when his vitals are being taken or an IV is being put in. It's not a hardening that lasts, though, it's a momentary state that allows for the betterment of the health of my son.
This new normal is a land of strange beasts that I have never before conceived of, yet they are all made out of normal everyday events. Moment to moment, things don't really look strange, but when you look down a line of moments and realize where you're going, then things get weird.
But, here, weird is normal. Thus, the new land of normal.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Back to the Hospital
So, off to the clinic we went this morning. Dr. Owen made the decision to admit us this afternoon because he was afraid the fever would make a reappearance and we'd end up going through the ER, which we didn't want to do. Turns out he was right. By the time we got up to the floor Cole had a fever of 101 again. We'd have been in the ER by 10 pm...
Dalynn and I figured it was as good a time as any to try only one of us at the hospital, so she's there with Cole and I'm at home. Pray that it goes well, as this will be the way we have to do things in the future.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Donate to Cole
The Noblemen do noble work in and of themselves, so don't hesitate to check them out, also. Good group of guys.
Here's the donation info:
1) – Pay online through the Noblemen website
This will direct you to a site specifically for the Noblemen.
After you have entered your credit card information, a second page will appear. On that page put Cole Rollins in the section that says "Add special instructions for the Merchant". If you do not put Cole Rollins in this section, it will not go to the Rollins family.
2) – Mail checks to:
The Noblemen
PO Box 418
Va Beach, VA 23458
In note section, state that money is for Cole Rollins.
If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. You can leave your questions in the comments section if you wish, or you can contact Travis Jones, who has volunteered to handle all of this for us. Here is his contact info:Travis Jones
travisnjones [AT] cox [DOT] net
(I'm trying to protect Travis' email address, so [AT] is @ and [DOT] is ., with no spaces in the address)
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Things So Far
I wanted to put up a couple of pictures to illustrate what chemo and leukemia have done to Cole thus far.
The top picture is from Cole's birthday party. At that point, he probably had active leukemia, and he does look a little sick. He'd had something going on for a week, whether it be croup or nose bleeds. This picture was taken on 11/4.
Cole was admitted to the hospital on 11/12 and was diagnosed on 11/14. The second picture was taken on 12/6, so over a month after his birthday pic. So far, he's put on about 6 pounds. Most of the visual change is from the steroids he's taking, and from what we understand, he should shed the extra weight and puffiness quickly, within a month or two.
However, it is still difficult for me to see, obviously. I look at Cole and wonder where the sweet boy who used to run to greet me at the door with "Daddy!" went. I miss his sweet smile. We haven't seen Cole smile in over 2 weeks, now. He mainly sleeps and eats. We're forcing him to get up and walk and play. It's just heart-breaking to watch.
The light at the end of the tunnel is that there's less than a week of induction left. Less than a week of steroids. As a matter of fact, he's already had his last dose of vincristine. Hopefully, soon after, I'll get to see my little boy smile and play and laugh again.
On a positive note, we went to the first Qdoba fund raiser tonight. It was wonderful to see all of the support for Cole. There were so many people there, from my work and from church. It was very bracing to see so much support, and to talk to everyone.
Thank you to everyone that came. You not only helped raise money for Cole's treatment, but you certainly made things easier in mine and Dalynn's hearts.
Monday, December 3, 2007
A Bath for All
Speaking of poop, the last few days we've been up to our eye-balls in poop. Cole finally got over his constipation, and things unfortunately swung the opposite direction. We had to take him off of lactulose completely (that's his stool softener) to get him to quit going. His hiney is so raw we had to get something called "Bag Balm", which is something they use on the udders of cows when they are milking them. If you're in need of a diaper rash cure, I can highly recommend it.
With Cole pooping so much, he was due for a bath tonight. Baths are not his most favorite things now. As a matter of fact, he cries as much for a bath now as he does for a procedure in the hospital. It is also a two person job, now. I'm sure we could do it with just one, but we use two to make it as fast as possible. This all makes baths a rather high stress time.
Cue tonight's bath!
Grammy and I cart a crying Cole upstairs to the bathroom. She starts the tub filling while I take off Cole's clothes. Much to my horror, Cole had a previously undetected poopy diaper! Grammy abandons bath filling to run downstairs and grab the special wipes we're using on Cole, so as not to tear his hiney up any more. I hold Cole still til she returns.
Grammy wipes Cole down, much to his angst. He is now screaming and crying in equal amounts. We fumble around trying to put the sleeve on his arm which covers his picc line while we bathe him, but eventually get it on.
About that time, as Grammy is bending over to check the water, I notice that my stomach, to which Cole is pressed, is rather warm, and that warmth is spreading down my legs... Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Cole had just relieved himself on Daddy! In my shock, I start yelling at Grammy to help, though I'm quite unsure what she could have done at that point.
We then rush to get Cole in the bath as quickly as possible, but yank him back out when he starts screaming bloody murder (we had put him in feet first, thank God). Seems neither Grammy nor I had actually managed to check the temperature of the water in all the fuss.
We did manage to get him washed, though, in the end, and it only took us about twice as long as it should have.
I took a shower, afterwards, but ran out of hot water half way through it. It was just a bad night for baths, apparently...
Saturday, December 1, 2007
To be quite honest, I have felt pretty humbled over the past few years. I look back on my pride and arrogance and realize just how mistaken I was. Not to say that I'm ultra-humble now, hehe. But, given the past few years, a lot of that pride and arrogance seems to have evaporated, and it was all a work I can say God has done.
For instance, in the past, I would have thought that I was capable of handling what we're going through now. Capable of handling it by myself, that is. I probably would have figured that God had gifted me so greatly in order that I might not just survive this time, but thrive in it. I have no doubt that the first few weeks would have chewed me up and spit me out a wreck of a man if I had tried that approach. It's not a pretty picture, but it's pretty close to the truth.
In contrast, when we did start this whole thing, I knew right away that I didn't have enough, and that most, if not all, of the strength that I was going to need was going to come from the Lord. Don't think this is some kind of wonderful revelation, though. This is a terrible, poverty stricken feeling and I would much prefer the feeling of the self-assurance.
I guess what I'm getting at here is that I hardly recognize the person I've become when I compare it to the person I used to be. And, while a lot of that change was wrought during a very difficult time in my life, I doubt it was as difficult as what we're going through now. So, this makes me wonder what the Lord is going to change in me this time, and how drastic the change will be in the end?
It's quite a frightening and daunting thought.
Well, enough with speculation, here's a Cole update for you.
Cole's cytogenetic screening is back. This is a genetic screening of the cancer cells they've harvested from his bone marrow. There are two things they look for, what they call "good players" and what they call "bad players". Each is a genetic mutation or change, but the meaning of them is different. Obviously, a "good player" is a good mutation, one that means his cancer is easier to treat, while a "bad player" is a bad mutation, one that means his cancer is harder to treat.
The long and short of it is that Cole has one minor "bad player" and no "good players". Dr. Owen indicated that this would probably put Cole firmly in the standard risk group, which has ramifications on his treatment (though we still don't know what those ramifications are). So, his cytogenetics weren't great, but they also weren't horrible. I'll take that, thanks.
There is also some concern regarding the side-effects Cole is having from the vincristine. These would be the constipation, some numbness and tingling in his legs and something called foot drop, which is a condition where his foot isn't pulling up enough for him to walk correctly. He also seems to be having more foot and hand pain. With his numbers being so good Dr. Owen is thinking that the next dose of vincristine (which comes on Wednesday) will be a smaller dose, which should help Cole recover a bit from all of these side-effects.
In addition to these side-effects, they are also concerned with the general malaise that Cole is having. Apparently he's not as active as he should be, and doesn't feel as good as he could. They have already taken steps to combat this, however, and today Cole seems to be feeling better.
I tell you all of this not to alarm you, however, but to allow you to pray more effectively. The clinical staff says that his reactions are still well within the normal range and their concern is mainly that he could be feeling better than he does.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
This officially classifies Cole as a rapid responder, which I believe means his treatment will be easier. We are way excited about this, obviously!
Also, we came home from the hospital yesterday. Getting out of the hospital is a wonderful thing to me, though Dalynn feels the pressure from it rather keenly. When we're in the hospital, the nurses and doctors manage Cole's meds and care, whereas, at home, Dalynn does. She does a fantastic job, but that doesn't lessen the burden she feels. I honestly believe that this is part of what makes her such a good nurse and mother.
A little update on the infection Cole had. It wasn't staph, it was strep. It was only cultured once, so most likely it is gone from his system, but he was sent home on IV antibiotics (which Dalynn administers) as a precaution/treatment.
His picc line is fine, and will not have to be removed right now. The medical team, though, is already saying he will need a porta-cath, which doesn't bother me too much. He's going to need one on account of him being such a hard stick, and on account of his dreading being stuck.
A porta-cath is a central line that resides under his skin. It's implanted through surgery. It's a kind of sub-dural permanent IV in his upper chest. Before we go to clinic, we can put a cream on the skin over the porta-cath which will numb the skin. Then, when the nurse at clinic inserts the IV, which of necessity will have to penetrate his skin over the porta-cath, he won't feel it. It's a neat little system and is one that I hope they can use on Cole. Because of his age, and size, there's a slight concern that he can't have one, but right now, the general consensus is that he will be able to.
Of course, that's still a few weeks down the line. For now, he'll continue to receive his treatment through his picc.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
A Haircut for Cole
See, his hair has always been a comfort to him. When he would get sleepy, he would always reach up and play with his hair. When he was worried, he would play with his hair. He started playing with hair as a baby, when he would reach up and play with Dalynn's hair while watching Praise Baby before going to sleep at night.
Unfortunately, cancer has taken that from him, at least for now. We know that it'll grow back, but it started falling out in clumps and we decided it would be better all around to get as much out at one time as we could. It was a very hard decision, but one that had an inevitable end. His hair was coming out one way or another.
Today was not, however, all sadness. My roommate from college, Jerry, who also had ALL when we were going to school together, came to visit us from Greenville, NC. When it came time to tell our close friends that Cole had ALL, Jerry was the one who took it the hardest. The fact that he had been through this, and knew what he was crying about was not lost on me.
However, he has proven to have extremely valuable insight into what Cole is going through. He's helping us understand some of the discomfort that Cole is experiencing, like the hunger from the steroids and the emotional ups and downs. He's preparing us for the bouts of nausea and other things that can happen, and he's giving us the beginnings of real hope, as he helps us see that it's best to take it day to day, and not all at once.
It was especially good for me, as well, because I was able to get out of the hospital for a while with Jerry. I had not realized til last night how much of a toll this was taking on me, and the Lord knew just what I needed when Jerry said he was coming up for the day.
Dalynn and I are starting to see that we have to keep ourselves in top shape, and we're starting to learn how best to do this. For me, staying at the hospital 24/7 is not necessarily the best thing to be doing, but it's something that she doesn't find so onerous. I also realized today that she has the right idea by taking strength from close friends, and that I'm going to have to open up to my close friends more.
All in all, it was a good day to learn things, though it was also a sad day with Cole's haircut. We have Cole's procedures tomorrow, and we'll be finding out if he is a rapid responder, so get your pray on!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Give Blood For Cole
This is an exchange program, not a direct donation. You may donate at any Red Cross chapter. Here's the info.
Cole's info:
Name: Cole Michael Rollins
Birth date: 11/1/2005
Type: O positive
Hospital: Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters
Doctor: William Owen
Here are some rules:
- No aspirin or antibiotics 48 hours before giving
- No overseas travel within 1 year
- No new tatoos within 1 year
- Eat a lot of iron before you give, so go have a steak
Let me know if that's not enough info.
Fanatical About Poop
A couple things happened today. The most major is that they cultured Cole's picc line and found that he has a staph infection, which means it could be MRSA. This is not catastrophic, however, and they are already treating it as aggressively as possible. They have said there is the chance that they will have to remove the line, but that does not seem likely right now. The staph infection is the most likely cause of his fever yesterday, but he has not been running a fever for several hours, now.
Also, part of his picc line (just the part that is not in the vein) came unclipped and was exposed. Not a big deal, and it had the added benefit of working better once Joel, our VAT angel in disguise here the last few days, changed his dressing. It used to be that whenever Cole bent his arm, his picc line would occlude. Now, however, he seems to have full range of movement in his arm with no occlusion. This is wonderful.
Last, but certainly not least, Cole has had 5 bowel movements in the past 24 hours, the last of which was watery (diarrhea)! This means he will probably not have to have an NG tube placed in him and have his bowels flushed with Go Lightly! This makes me so happy, I'm worried I'm becoming fanatical about poop!
So, even with the news that he has a staph infection and that we'll likely be here for several days, today has not been all that bad. Certainly better than yesterday! Once again, thank you all for your encouragement, and please continue to pray.
Prayer Requests:
- That Cole's staph infection will clear up quickly and that they will not have to replace his picc line.
- That we can soon go home.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
In the Hospital Again
So, here we are again. To add fuel to the fire, Cole now has a temperature, so we would have been here either which way.
They're going to put an NG tube in (in his nose) and pump him full of "Go Lightly", which I'm sure is a euphimism. This will, presumably, make him "Go Lightly" for a while, thus clearing out his bowels. The whole process sounds unpleasant to me, and I'm assured it is.
They're going to culture his picc line to see if it's infected. Also, right now, his picc line isn't drawing easily, so they're having a problem getting blood out of his picc line. These are obviously things we don't want, as either could mean having to put in a new picc. Not a horrible thing, but definitely not an easy thing for Cole.
Let me share a few thoughts about being in the hospital, now. I'm tired of being here, and I'm tired of meeting and being polite to new people. I'm tired of listening to Cole cry and become distraught when every new person walks through the door. I'm not tired of Cole, mind you, I'm just tired of having to comfort him through all the new people coming in that he doesn't know. I'm tired of telling him that "it's OK", when, really, it's not. I'm tired of telling him "almost done" when I know that once they finish this procedure, they'll just have to do another soon anyways.
To add to matters, we just found out that someone screwed up in the ED and didn't treat his picc line correctly, thus causing it to clot off. They're going to have to start an IV to get him his much needed antibiotics and platelets.
This day has sucked.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thanksgiving and Results
The day was made all the better when Cole took a poop! It was huge. A 12 wiper, at the minimum!
Cole went to clinic today, and he got some fluid and some blood. He's not back from clinic yet (Gary went with Dalynn and Cole), but I'm hoping he'll feel better once he's had some blood. I spent part of the day at clinic, and he was pretty tired. He was also tired yesterday. A lot of times, though, getting blood ups his energy levels, so here's hoping!
We got his bone marrow biopsy results back, and they were good, but not where we were praying they would be. He has 22% blasts (cancer cells) in his marrow as of Wednesday. To give you perspective, he had 85% blasts when he was admitted to the hospital. That's a marked improvement, even if it isn't the magic 5% we've been praying for.
We're praying that he be 5% by this Wednesday coming up. If he is, he'll be considered a rapid responder. If he's a rapid responder, then we're pretty sure his treatment will be easier. I say "pretty sure" because they haven't specifically stated this, but they keep talking about him being a rapid responder being a good thing. Our nurse, Teresa, was very positive about him reaching this number by Wednesday.
This also means he'll have another bone marrow aspirate this Wednesday coming up. Since he's sedated, these procedures aren't that bad. Only side-effect so far has been some tenderness from where they take the biopsy.
Something both sweet and sad happened this morning. Gary and I were in the kitchen fixing Cole his 3rd breakfast when Cole asked for some milk. I responded with "okey-dokey-cala-ma-jokey", a nonsense phrase I use sometimes. As I was turning to pour the milk, Cole made a noise. I wasn't sure what it was, so I looked up quickly. Turns out he was laughing. It had been so long since I heard him laugh that I didn't know what it was. :'( It was good to hear him laugh, but it underscored for me how difficult things have been recently.
Here are some things to pray for:
- That Cole have less than 5% blasts in his bone marrow by this Wednesday (the 28th of November).
- That Dalynn and I will get some much needed rest. Cole has been waking up at night about every 3 hours to eat, and it's starting to take a toll on both of us, but Dalynn, especially. The massive appetite is a side-effect of the steroids he's on, so they'll be with us for til he's through induction.
- That the Lord will orchestrate and provide for continued care for Logan while we attend clinic. My mom is with us through induction, but she can't be here forever, so we're going to have to have some kind of game plan soon.
- That Cole's treatment will continue to go well, that Cole will be healed, and that he will have more really good days, including more laughter.
- Logan is an amazingly awesome baby. He took to a bottle basically the first time he was offered one (thank you Sara Beth!) and he's not batted an eye lash when he's supplemented with formula.
- We've had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with Dalynn's family.
- The care Cole is receiving is excellent and the people that are giving him his care are awesome. Everyone is so concerned not just about Cole's treatment, but about our comfort, as well. The nurses, especially, are wonderful.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
NPO All Night
The preliminary results of his procedures were that he had drastically fewer cancer cells in his bone marrow. We don't know if he's going to hit the magic 5%, but we're definitely hopeful.
I had more for this post, but something happened when I posted it.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Clinic, New Friends and POOP!
Clinic is a very busy place. Everyone hangs out in a very comfortable common room, with little "bays" off to the side, which are first come first serve. There is a play room with tons of toys off the back of the room and a row of TVs with Playstations hooked up to them (which can also be used for playing videos). The patients get their meds/chemo while sitting in some very comfortable recliners, and the parents get chairs off to the side of the recliners. The bays are little semi-private rooms that anyone can grab and what we're going to grab next time, if we can. Above all, community and comfort seem to be stressed there.
We arrived bright and early at 8:15 am and sat down to see how things would go. We had a mountain of bags, and I felt a little silly with them all, once the other folks started arriving. None of them had a laptop bag, bookbag, breast pump and diaper bag. Oh well, I'll know better for next time, though I don't see how we'll reduce the number, hehe.
Early on, we noticed another little boy motoring around. His name is Charlie, he's 2, like Cole, and could be Cole's brother! He has the same color hair and eyes as Cole and the same type of frame, but he's taller. His parents are named Angela and IV (as in, the 4th). They turned out to be a very needed and comforting source of information today.
Charlie has a very rare type of cancer, one that only about 80 people world-wide have. There are many side-effects, but he's recovering better than expected. He's in his maintenance phase now.
We spent most of the day talking to Charlie's parents. They pointed us in the direction of some assistance programs and they talked about how they coped with things. It was awesome to meet them and Charlie. We exchanged info with them, and hopefully this'll be the start of a good friendship between all of us. Charlie was certainly hip on sharing his food with Cole!
The day went quickly and Cole got a lot of fluid. The more he got, the better he seemed. At lunch, he started asking for food, "Daddy, I want some potato chips!" It was the first whole sentence I'd heard him speak in a few days. After that, he and Charlie set out on an eating bonanza!
Then, the one unfortunate thing about this day occurred. One of the chemo patients coded and didn't make it. It's a very rare occurrence in clinic, so much so that our nurse today had never seen it happen (she's been there two years). The staff was devastated, to say the least.
When the patient started coding, they asked the rest of the patients to stay out of the common area and in rooms. First, for the number of staff that were running the code, and later for respect for the family and the body. It was a sobering reminder that nothing in this is guaranteed.
We went into a room with Charlie and his parents and spent the afternoon watching Diego and eating.
After almost everyone in the clinic had left, Cole pooped! He also started chatter-boxing away and acting like his old self. It was wonderful!
We left out of clinic around 6 pm. It was a long day, but well worth it.
When we got back home, Cole tore into a package of toys someone had sent him and ran around the house for the first time in over a week. Having our healthy-acting little boy back was a wonderful treat to end the day.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Joy at the Hospital, Part 2
Let me tell you, when you live out of a hospital room for 5 days, you can accumulate quite a bit of "stuff". We had a shelf as a pantry, our clothes and a ton of toys for Cole. It took 2 wagons (the big 2 kid Radio Flyer ones) to get everything downstairs. We made a bed in another wagon and put Cole in it, so he got to ride a wagon part way home! Packing up and leaving was easier than I expected it to be.
Getting home was incredible. Our church had arranged for some folks to come clean before we got home, and some of my family came over to deliver food and help out with the cleaning. Everything was bright and shiny and the fridge was packed.
Our church also has arranged for meals which we can freeze and put in the freezer, then pull out and cook when we want. They're gourmet, no less! We'll get 12 of them, which is more than enough to carry us through 3 weeks, if not 4. Our neighbors are also delivering food, so we are doubly blessed.
It was also amazing to sleep in a real bed, our bed, again. Dalynn and I slept so well, as did Cole. He wanted to sleep on the couch, so he got to sack out there with Grammy next to him. We all got some much needed sleep.
Cole has been taking it easy since we got home. He's not doing much, which is to be expected. He mainly sleeps and occasionally watches TV. Today he asked specifically to sleep in his bed for a bit, which he did for about an hour. Our home-health nurse, who came for the first time today, said that it can usually take 3 to 4 days for children to re-acclimate to home after the hospital.
All in all, we are ecstatic to be home and it is such a relief after spending so much time at the hospital. Our home was the most beautiful I've ever seen it when we walked through the door and all of our basic needs were met with a flourish. Thank you all for so much blessing in this time of trouble!
Prayer Requests:
- That Cole will re-acclimate to home quickly, and that he will find it more restful and peaceful than the hospital.
- That Cole will poop. He hasn't since Thursday night. This is to be expected, as it is a major side-effect of Vincristine, but it would certainly be best for him to have regular bowel movements.
- That Dalynn and I will learn all what we must learn to take care of Cole effectively, and learn it quickly.
- That we will establish a new routine quickly, so that everyone can settle in and feel comfortable.
- That God will continue to provide for all of our needs in such an amazing fashion.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
The Beginning
Dalynn's email:
Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing well!
Our family has had a Crazy month and a half from picking pumkins, playing in the leaves of fall, getting Cole's first haircut, Cole dressing up as a chicken and Logan an egg (of course) and Cole turning 2. But even crazier than all those things has been the past two weeks of our lives, which has left me writing you this update from the hospital. So here is our story.
Starting 11-30-07 Cole and Logan starting getting sick. We took them to the doctor that Friday and both the boys had crupe and Cole also had and ear infection. We treated Cole with 2 injections of Rocephin and another injection of a steroid, in hopes that Cole would be able to make his 2nd birthday party on Sat., that however did not happen. We also treated Cole with an oral antibiotic for his ear infection. Logan received an oral steroid and both boys were doing okay. Then Monday Cole starting getting very tired again, on Tuesday he woke up with blood caked around his mouth and this nasty blood blister thing in his mouth. He also had started limping on one leg, to the point he would sometimes only scoot himself across the floor instead of walking. We call the doctor's office regarding his limp and they thought it might be injection sight pain, so we continued to treat him with Motrin.
On Wed. we had Cole's 2 year well baby check at the doctor's office, which he was sick at. When I undressed him for him to start his workup at the doctor's office I saw this huge bruise on the back of Cole's left leg, which was the leg with the limp. And you know paranoid nurse mommy's mind starting spinning because I had no explaination for this bruise. So as soon as the doctor walked into the room I said "I need you to know I think my child is dying of cancer or a blood clot". He assess Cole and found he had a herpes virus in his mouth, which would explain Cole's symptoms, but not the bruise, however Cole's hemaglobin at the appointment was 10.8, which is normal. So we decided just to watch his bruise.
On Thursday Cole broke out into a petetchiae rash on his forehead, which spread to his groining on Friday and late Friday afternoon Cole spiked another fever. He also started having nose bleeds every night. I had called the doctor's office on Friday about the rash and fever, but the nurse said it was probably okay and since it was 4:45pm, she said just to treat his symptoms. By Sunday night Cole was starting to look green. On Monday we went for blood work and follow-up with the doctor.
Our doctor who is always running late (because he is amazing and spends time really listening and taking care of his patients) was in our room immediately. He had also called us before we arrived to talk to us about the blood work, but I had been away from my phone and got the message as I was walking into his office. So the doctor comes in and the blood work is not good. Our doctor, Dr. Wruble, who is a man of faith, tells us he thinks based on Cole's bloodwork that he has luekiemia, maybe not, but the hematologist at Children's Hosptial for the Kings Daughters is waiting for us.
So Monday we were admitted to the hosptial for Cole to receive a blood and platelete transfusions and to diagnosis luekiemia. Monday night we found out Cole definitely had luekiemia and we just needed to have the bone marrow biopsy to determine what type. Cole had the bone marrow biopsy on Tuesday with a spinal tap, which they also injection chemo into his spinal fluid and he receive a picc line. Cole is a trooper!! It was determined late Monday evening that Cole has ALL Pre-B, which is Acute Lymphoblastic Luekiemia with B cells. This is the most common in kids and has an 80-85% cure rate. Also there were no cancer cells in his spinal fluid. These were all Praises and answers to prayers!!!
Today he received more blood and plateletes, as well as Vincristine, which is chemo and Dexamethasone, a steroid. He has done amazingly well and is so strong. I am so proud of my precious little boy! Today we went and played in the play room, which they have to close down just for him, because he is neutropenic. Nuetropenic means he doesn't have the cells to fight off infection. He also had some really bad body pain from the chemo, but we prayed and others have been praying and hours later he wanted Cherrio's with milk and 2 spoons. You gotta love a two year old.
So what a whirlwind!!! But that is why my subject is Calling ALL PRAYER WARRIORS because we are in desparate need of your prayers for our preious little boy. Our specific requests are that Cole responds to treatment within 8-15 days and has less than 5% of cancer cell left when the bone marrow biopsy is repeated on the 8 or the 15 day. This would then put Cole in the rapid response category. Second is the side effects of chemo. There are many, many, many, many side effects and we just pray they will be few for him!!!!!! We also pray for wisdom for decisions about up coming treatments.
So many of you have already been praying and for that Michael, Cole, Logan and I are all SO Thankful!! We have heard your prayers and felt them! We love you all and thank you for your prayers, your love and your support!!
I will attach our picture website for you guys to see our fun filled days fall.
love ya lots
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Joy at the Hospital
It seems like the hospital is a pretty dreary place, but that's not the case. They have an amazing play-room that Cole can get all to his self. It's so cool that I want to play in it! It has an awesome train table and more cars than you can shake a stick at. They have play medical stuff, musical keyboards and ramps that you can send the cars down. Cole's been in there once already, and the hospital staff is chomping at the bit to get him in there again.
Then there are family and friends. This video is of Cole watching Praise Baby with his Grammy on Grammy's iPod. It's one of his favorite things to do. He loves it, that's for sure.
We also have plenty of videos that we and friends have brought, and Cole spends most of his day watching these videos. We probably have around 30, which is awesome. The hospital also has some we can use. Obviously, there's a DVD player in the room.
The hospital staff is also quite amazing and incredibly helpful. They are always asking what more they can do for us, and they seemingly delight in getting any little thing we need. There are Child Life Specialists, who specialize in caring for the children and the family and thier mental health and play time. They are amazingly helpful.
So, all in all, it's not a bad place to be, and Cole is enjoying himself as much as he can right now.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
If you can?
Besides being at the "unbelief" part, where I doubt the power of God and his sovereignty, I was struck by what Jesus says to the father first:
(Mark 9:22b, the father) "But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us." (Mark 9:23, Jesus) "If you can?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes." (Mark 9:24, the father) Immediately the boys father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"
I can hear Jesus now, "Psshhh! If you can?"
Jesus is plainly saying that it's not a matter of if. He can. And as I was struck by this, I was motivated to pray boldly, while asking the Lord to help my unbelief.
Cole got his first dose of chemo tonight, and after an hour or so he was in some discomfort. It was hard to watch, and I was praying to the Lord to ease his discomfort due to chemo. But, after I read this, I was moved to pray something more. I asked the Lord to remove his discomfort.
Seriously, if God can ease it, why can't he remove it completely? Why shouldn't I pray boldly?
I'll tell you why I wouldn't pray boldly. I'm afraid. I'm afraid that the Lord isn't going to answer my prayers. I'm afraid that I'll have to sit by, helpless, as my son suffers. I'm afraid that I can't effect any of this, but that I'm just a bystander. I am afraid.
And that's where my unbelief comes in. That's why the father asked the Lord to help his unbelief. I might have enough belief right now to pray for this, but will I in a day, or a week, or a month? When I'm faced with my son's pain, will I have enough faith to pray boldly again?
I won't have enough belief. I've found the limits of myself. So, I must go to the Father to ask Him for the thing that I need to ask for the thing that I need. In essence, I'm asking the Lord to be my strength, from start to finish in this.
So, join with me in asking the Lord, boldly, for a removal of Cole's side-effects from chemo. And, while you're at it, ask for complete healing for Cole. Let's approach the throne of God boldly.
And, if boldness isn't in your diet for the day, as I'm sure mine won't be often, ask the Lord to be your belief for you.
Once I prayed this, with my dad and Dalynn, Cole's discomfort started to disappear. It was right on time with a dose of Tylenol he had gotten, but I consider it no less amazing or wonderful. Have you ever heard of Tylenol being a great pain-killer in the face of cancer and chemo?
In no time, Cole was asking for cheerios, then some milk, then two spoons, one for each fist to eat his cheerios with! It was the most substantial thing he ate all day, and it blessed me and warmed my heart to watch.
But, he does. Cole has Leukemia. I wonder if you're supposed to capitalize that?
So, there's the bad. Here's the good.
Cole has the most common and treatable form that they see at CHKD (where we are). It's called ALL, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. It's treatable mainly in outpatient over a period of 3.5 years. There generally isn't a need for a bone-marrow transplant. We'll probably be here in the hospital for a week and a half, and they're talking about maybe sending us home this weekend (yay!).
That's all for now, but I'll try and get up some more specific stuff later on.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Toddlers and Robots
I thought this was awesome. I can totally see Cole running around hugging a robot!
Facebook/MySpace and Privacy
So, I don't have a Facebook or MySpace account. If I was going to get either, I'd go with Facebook (it seems more upscale and professional). That's not to say that I would, though.
I don't want to rule it out completely, but I don't see a lot of advantage for me in having a Facebook account. From here on out, let's call it SN (SN = Social Networking).
I think the thing that has always gotten me about SN sites is that you are placing lots of personal info out there for anyone to look at. There is no expectation of privacy when you use SN. None. I just can't imagine that that's a good or smart thing.
In the video I embedded, the guy they interview, Clay Shirky, talks about no existing "social contract" to govern the use of SN information. An example of a social contract is how it's "rude" to eavesdrop on someone's conversation even when they're in a public place. It's "frowned upon".
How does that play out practically? Your boss can see what you're doing, or a potential employer. What if that info contributes to your eventual firing (or being denied a job) because of perceptions? Further, once the info is out there, how do you contain it? What makes it worse is that the absence of a social contract means that this isn't even remotely off-limits. There's no brake on how people can use this information to perceive you.
So, for me, I just don't think that I want to run the risk of having something out there that can shape how people perceive me that I can't control. Granted, I can't control how people perceive me in real life, but there's no need to toss more grenades out there.
This does, however, make me wonder what the benefits of SN really are in a practical way. There must be some kind of motivation that I'm missing, or else millions of folks wouldn't be doing it. I'm sure I'm not operating with the whole picture. Maybe I should find out, but I don't want to do it with my real info.
Maybe I should create a fake Facebook account...
Friday, November 2, 2007
Like Mother Like Son
One of Dalynn's main concerns is that she doesn't want Logan to get sick. Therefor, she's been trying to keep them separated as much as possible, even going so far as to designate "Cole areas" (the couch) and "Logan areas" (the recliner).
Well, last night Cole woke up, noticed that his mommy was not in bed (Cole's been sleeping with us) and wanted to go downstairs to see her. I fought it, but eventually gave in and brought him downstairs to see Dalynn (who was nursing Logan).
Cole naturally wanted his mommy to hold him but Dalynn had to tell him no. He was sent back to me (now on the couch) with a bit of crying.
Fast forward to this morning, when Cole is eating breakfast in his high-chair. Dalynn had just put Logan down and came into the kitchen to love on Cole a little. Well, Cole was having none of it! As she bent down to kiss him, he imperiously pointed to the door and told Dalynn, "Go!"
He did this twice! He was not interested in having anything to do with his mommy!
Dalynn had to explain to him the concept of forgiveness three times (in a very loving, reasonable sort of way) before Cole would have anything to do with her.
When it was all over, Dalynn looked up at me and said something like, "I can't believe he holds a grudge like that!"
I simply responded, "He's obviously your son."
Thursday, November 1, 2007
WoW and Addictions - Watch more free videos
So, I saw this video the other day. I thought it was both funny and disturbing.
Funny cause I've been there. Not with Halo, but with WoW. So, I can relate.
Disturbing cause I've been there.
I guess what has me posting this today is a kind of confession. I still keep up with some of the folks I played WoW with. I made some "good" friends when I played WoW. That is to say, I made friends with folks that I enjoyed spending time with online and who understood my obsession with the game. They obsessed over the game, too.
I still talk to a lot of these folks, either via forums or IM. But, I noticed something yesterday: When I talk to the ones that still play the game, we don't talk about anything but the game. When I talk to the ones that have moved on from the game, we can talk about other things, but I don't talk to them as much.
Further, I still marginally enjoy talking about the game. I still keep up with the patches and changes that Blizzard makes and I can still relate when folks tell me what kind of "problems" they are having in-game. It still fascinates me what I could be doing in this mythical world.
I guess the question is, should I be worried that I still take an interest in this game?
Right now, I don't think so. I'm not obsessing over it as I used to (when I played) and I do get tired of talking about it when the conversation lasts more than about 10 minutes. Therefor, to me, it seems like it's a "normal" or "average" interest. It's when it becomes obsessive that I feel I need to worry.
Beyond that, I don't see it becoming an obsession again. I follow football more "obsessively" than I follow WoW. I definitely spend more time watching football! But, football doesn't consume my life, it's merely a passing interest.
So, is it possible to move from obsession to healthy interest? I don't really know the answer to that, but I do know that I don't ever really want to be obsessed with something to the exclusion of life again. I guess I'll find out eventually if it's possible to be healthily interested in something that you used to be obsessed with.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
A Weighty Matter

Here's a picture of Logan and I that I took, hence the really funny angle. It kind of illustrates my point today, though (in a very round-about way).
A few months back, I had one of my co-workers over for lunch at our place. While I was making sandwiches, he was perusing the pictures we have and he stopped and asked me a very funny question: "Who's this guy with Dalynn in this picture, her brother?"
It was, in fact, a picture of Dalynn and me. An older picture from when we were dating, as a matter of fact. Why didn't he recognize me, you might ask? Well, it was probably due to the over 50 lbs. that I have put on since that time. I guess I just look a lot different, especially in the face.
But, the funny thing, is that I don't see the difference! Well, normally, I don't.
When I look at old pics of myself, I see me. When I look in the mirror, I see me. Now, I can see differences, but I really think that since I was "along for the ride", so to speak, I don't see the radical differences that others see when they look at these two seemingly different Mikes.
I wish I could hop into someone elses brain for a minute to see what they see. I really do. I'd love to see, just for a second, what others images are of me. I'm sure that they see things very differently than I do. I think it would be interesting (and maybe dismaying or uplifting, who knows).
Now, I wish I really felt like tying that into some post about how God sees us verse how we see ourselves, but to be honest, that's pretty cliched and I don't feel like peddling a cliche! So, you'll just have to make due with my thought for the day as it stands.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Haircuts and Whatnot

So, we took Cole to have his first hair cut this last weekend. Our friend, Christy Montoya did it. She also did Dalynn's hair (which looks great). It's almost a shame, though, that Ira (his Grandmother) couldn't do it. I'm sure she would have loved to.
Cole did very well, and only cried once when Christy started cutting the front. We told Cole that she was using "safety scissors", like Micky Mouse uses in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It was quite funny when Cole kept referring to these extremely long and dangerous looking scissors as "safety scissors" and would then nod his head. Course, I don't know if he has a clue that there are scissors that aren't safe, or if, in fact, he knows what safety is at all. Whatever, he did well and we enjoyed Christy proclaiming how well he did (as most prideful parents will, hah!).
I've recently been getting a lot of hands-on with Logan (a lot more, I guess I should say). For the most part, when I'm around (and not at work) I try to manage Cole to let Dalynn focus on Logan. However, Dalynn has started leaving Logan with me the last few times she's gone to her Bible studies.
Luckily, Cole is generally in bed when I'm burping and putting Logan down. I tell you, I don't know how Dalynn manages it on a day-to-day basis! It's tough for me to manage just one of them (well, not tough, now, but not a cake-walk, either). The few times I've had to manage both together have been nerve-wracking! The art of doing everything with one arm is something that is not easy to get. Lord help me when they can both run...
So, all in all, I appreciate what my wife does immensely and it's something I don't imagine I could replicate as easily.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Super Cole
This is super Cole! He streaks around the house like a flash, his cape billowing in the wake of his passage.
Sometimes he'll even stand with his hands on his hips and give you the evil eye!
Fly, Super Cole, fly!
The Elephant Song
Well, booger! Turns out that I have to have a copy of the video on this machine to upload. Here's a link to the movie that I was going to upload: Clicky!
This is the Elephant Song, which Cole and I came up with one day while we were playing guitar together. Cole came up with the name, I supplied the lyrics and the music, then Cole refined the lyrics to the most essential portions.
I've had a few folks say that I should YouTube this little clip, and I've been thinking about it, but haven't had a great impetus to do it, yet. Travis and, to some small degree, Anthony, two of the guys I work with, think it would be a cult hit. Being biased as I am, I'd have to agree!
So, the question really becomes, should I let this out to the world?
Edit: Got home and now I'm uploading the movie.
First Post

So, I figured it was time to get on the blog train, and here I am. I'll be trying to keep up with this by posting things like cute stories of Cole and Logan and any random personal thoughts I can come up with.
For the time being, I'm going to play with some of the toys on here, like posting this picture.
I'll also try a movie at some point soon. I think a movie in a blog is a cool thing, personally.
Well, I should probably get back to work. Maybe I'll post some more later on today...