
    Saturday, November 24, 2007

    In the Hospital Again

    Well, we're in the hospital again. Cole was severely constipated today, and after talking with the doctor twice, he told us to come to the hospital. They admitted Cole after taking some x-rays. He is officially FoS. I'll leave it to you, my witty reader, to figure out what that means. :P

    So, here we are again. To add fuel to the fire, Cole now has a temperature, so we would have been here either which way.

    They're going to put an NG tube in (in his nose) and pump him full of "Go Lightly", which I'm sure is a euphimism. This will, presumably, make him "Go Lightly" for a while, thus clearing out his bowels. The whole process sounds unpleasant to me, and I'm assured it is.

    They're going to culture his picc line to see if it's infected. Also, right now, his picc line isn't drawing easily, so they're having a problem getting blood out of his picc line. These are obviously things we don't want, as either could mean having to put in a new picc. Not a horrible thing, but definitely not an easy thing for Cole.

    Let me share a few thoughts about being in the hospital, now. I'm tired of being here, and I'm tired of meeting and being polite to new people. I'm tired of listening to Cole cry and become distraught when every new person walks through the door. I'm not tired of Cole, mind you, I'm just tired of having to comfort him through all the new people coming in that he doesn't know. I'm tired of telling him that "it's OK", when, really, it's not. I'm tired of telling him "almost done" when I know that once they finish this procedure, they'll just have to do another soon anyways.

    To add to matters, we just found out that someone screwed up in the ED and didn't treat his picc line correctly, thus causing it to clot off. They're going to have to start an IV to get him his much needed antibiotics and platelets.

    This day has sucked.


    Anonymous said...

    hey yall- it does suck, mike. i am in full agreement. but, my pastor (ha! ha!) was saying in church this morning and on wednesday night that we have to let scripture define who God is, not our circumstances. if we know God is good, then even when our circumstances suck, we can trust His goodnes...even when it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever in our minds. because right now, i'm having a hard time seeing ANY goood in this situation. but when we choose to believe what we know to be true, we can thank God for His unchanging character, and appeal to Him in prayer. i love you two- you four- and am praying for God's grace to sustain you in all things!! keep me posted!

    Martha from NC said...

    Oh dear, I'm so sorry sweet Cole is back in the hospital. I know the days are hard when he cries and you want to make it better and you CAN'T!! Just know that you have lots of people praying for you and lifting you up. You can count on me to be on my knees, storming heaven's gates on your behalf. Thanks so much for keeping us updated. I'm praying that tomorrow will be a better day and that come Wednesday, Cole will reach that magical 5%!! Take good care of yourselves and know that we love you!!
    Martha Holmes
    Oak Ridge, NC

    Suzanne McCarthy said...

    Michael and Dalynn, I was so sorry to hear what you and your precious little Cole have been going through for the last 24 hours. I pray that things are looking up, as I write this. I wish that I could give you a group hug right now. You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. I love you, Suzanne

    Martha said...

    Oh dear, I'm so sorry sweet Cole is back in the hospital. I know the days are hard when he cries and you want to make it better and you CAN'T!! Just know that you have lots of people praying for you and lifting you up. You can count on me to be on my knees, storming heaven's gates on your behalf. Thanks so much for keeping us updated. I'm praying that tomorrow will be a better day and that come Wednesday, Cole will reach that magical 5%!! Take good care of yourselves and know that we love you!!
    Martha Holmes
    Oak Ridge, NC