
    Sunday, November 18, 2007


    We came home from the hospital last night. Cole was excited about going home and perked up. We did have one hiccup in that we had accidentally sent our keys home with my mom (to our house). However, they sent my aunt out straight away with our keys, and she took some of our stuff home, so it all worked out fairly well.

    Let me tell you, when you live out of a hospital room for 5 days, you can accumulate quite a bit of "stuff". We had a shelf as a pantry, our clothes and a ton of toys for Cole. It took 2 wagons (the big 2 kid Radio Flyer ones) to get everything downstairs. We made a bed in another wagon and put Cole in it, so he got to ride a wagon part way home! Packing up and leaving was easier than I expected it to be.

    Getting home was incredible. Our church had arranged for some folks to come clean before we got home, and some of my family came over to deliver food and help out with the cleaning. Everything was bright and shiny and the fridge was packed.

    Our church also has arranged for meals which we can freeze and put in the freezer, then pull out and cook when we want. They're gourmet, no less! We'll get 12 of them, which is more than enough to carry us through 3 weeks, if not 4. Our neighbors are also delivering food, so we are doubly blessed.

    It was also amazing to sleep in a real bed, our bed, again. Dalynn and I slept so well, as did Cole. He wanted to sleep on the couch, so he got to sack out there with Grammy next to him. We all got some much needed sleep.

    Cole has been taking it easy since we got home. He's not doing much, which is to be expected. He mainly sleeps and occasionally watches TV. Today he asked specifically to sleep in his bed for a bit, which he did for about an hour. Our home-health nurse, who came for the first time today, said that it can usually take 3 to 4 days for children to re-acclimate to home after the hospital.

    All in all, we are ecstatic to be home and it is such a relief after spending so much time at the hospital. Our home was the most beautiful I've ever seen it when we walked through the door and all of our basic needs were met with a flourish. Thank you all for so much blessing in this time of trouble!

    Prayer Requests:

    • That Cole will re-acclimate to home quickly, and that he will find it more restful and peaceful than the hospital.
    • That Cole will poop. He hasn't since Thursday night. This is to be expected, as it is a major side-effect of Vincristine, but it would certainly be best for him to have regular bowel movements.
    • That Dalynn and I will learn all what we must learn to take care of Cole effectively, and learn it quickly.
    • That we will establish a new routine quickly, so that everyone can settle in and feel comfortable.
    • That God will continue to provide for all of our needs in such an amazing fashion.


    John said...

    What a great homecoming story! Mikey, your writing has gotten so strong, or maybe this is Dalynn writing. So cool to have friends and family and church to be there and support us when we need them. And sometimes when they don't. The video of Cole with Susie is so cute and shows Cole acting like a kid in spite of being in the hospital. That encourages and amazes me. Patty and I and the girls are praying for you guys and will be seeing you soon.



    Anonymous said...

    Mike and Dalynn,
    We are loving that the Lord is directing things in positive ways at this point. Please know how much we hate not being there. We pray at least nightly for Cole, for you and Dalynn. Our expectation is for an outcome greater than we could hope or imagine because the God of the universe loves Cole more than we will ever know...

    Bryan, Lori, Mary Kate, Jacob and TBD

    Bryan Connor said...

    Mike and Dalynn,
    We are loving that the Lord is directing things in positive ways at this point. Please know how much we hate not being there. We pray at least nightly for Cole, for you and Dalynn. Our expectation is for an outcome greater than we could hope or imagine because the God of the universe loves Cole more than we will ever know...

    Bryan, Lori, Mary Kate, Jacob and TBD