
    Friday, February 15, 2008

    What Fungus Among Us?

    The results of yesterday's CT scans came back today and the news is very good. The fungal infection in Cole's brain is basically gone, the infection sites in his lungs are either gone or greatly reduced (I think there were twelve sites total) and they only found 5 white blood cells in his spinal fluid (as opposed to 18,000).

    All in all, that means that the treatment of his fungal infection is going extremely well and if we keep at it, which, of course, we will, it should be gone sooner rather than later.


    Faith said...


    Eric and Lindsay said...

    We are so happy for you all. We will keep praying for you all.

    wayne said...

    Mike and Dalynn,
    I can't say how proud I am of the both of you! Your steadfast commitment to the Lord and your family has given me much to celebrate. Cole and Logan represent the third genreation of Rollins men who beleive and call on the name of Jesus. What a wonderful thing the Lord has accomplished for our family. I am confident that He will complete it.
    Phil 1:6

    Love Dad

    wayne said...

    Mike and Dalynn,
    I can't say how proud I am of the both of you! Your steadfast commitment to the Lord and your family has given me much to celebrate. Cole and Logan represent the third genreation of Rollins men who beleive and call on the name of Jesus. What a wonderful thing the Lord has accomplished for our family. I am confident that He will complete it.
    Phil 1:6

    Love Dad