
    Wednesday, January 16, 2008

    Surgery Update and the Noblemen

    Cole's surgery is being postponed. There was a little to much confusion with the surgeons for our comfort, so we've opted to wait for Dr. Mahafee, the surgeon who did Cole's biopsy, to do the cath implant. Dalynn and I are much more comfortable with this decision as the surgery is likely to be "technically challenging" and Dr. Mahafee has the experience of the terrain, if you will.

    On another note, I met with the Norfolk chapter of the Noblemen last night. They (the Noblemen) are the charity that is accepting donations in Cole's name for us, thus removing the need for us to set up a not-for-profit for Cole. They are a wonderful group of guys, very dedicated to helping children with needs, whether they be medical or financial. Cole is high on their radar right now, and we will most likely be receiving more help from them in the future. That is a blessing and a gift.

    In the meeting I got to hear about some of their "noble deeds" over Christmas. One of these involved 12 guys dressed up like Santa riding around Norfolk dropping off sacks of presents to underprivileged kids all over the city. They took obvious pleasure in spreading some Christmas joy to kids that may not have had anything under the tree come Christmas morning. Kind of made me wish I could have taken part in it!

    They are having a fund-raising Mardi Gras party on January 29 at the Granby Theater, on Granby St. in downtown Norfolk. I think it starts at 6. Half the proceeds go to an organization called Hope House which provides assistance to poor families in Norfolk. The other half will go to the Noblemen for future noble deeds. If you're in the area you should check it out, it sounds like it's going to be a good and worthwhile time.