
    Monday, May 5, 2008

    There Go I...

    We got word yesterday that one of the kids we know from clinic died this week. Her name was Cyndol. I didn't know her, but Dalynn did, and she was devastated. Cole also knew her, and when asked if he remembered her, he said "yes".

    I'm not very sure on the details, but here's what I know. Cyndol had just undergone her second battle with cancer, having been diagnosed a few years ago, treated and then relapsed. She had some form of bone cancer, I believe. She was in remission for the second time and her and her parents had opted for a stem cell transplant as a means of keeping the cancer from coming back. Apparently, something happened and "what could have gone wrong did".

    First off, please remember her family and friends in your prayers. She was a teenager, and I can't imagine what it would be like to lose a child when they were in remission... Losing Cole now would be way more devastating than if we had lost him right after he was diagnosed.

    That's not to say that it would ever be easy to lose a child, or that I even know what that would feel like. Thank God, I don't. Nor do I ever, quite honestly. But, what I'm getting at is that when Cole was undergoing induction and right after, he was so sick, it wouldn't have been as bad a shock (how do you say that and not have it sound bad?). Now that he's healthy and in remission it would be horrendous, mainly to think that he had made it through, he was safe, and then to find out that he wasn't safe at all...

    I can't imagine what Cyndol's family is going through right now. All that I know is that my heart cries out to God for them. It must be horrible, and I can only imagine that nothing will ease the pain.

    Probably the best recap and memorial I can offer is from Sky's mother:

    Sky is another of the clinic kids, and she's a wonderful little girl. She and Cyndol were close, apparently, and this is hard on them, as well...