Well, it was kind of an eventful day. Where to start?
First off, the changing of the guard took place. Gary left this morning at 1:30 AM (he likes to travel when there aren't any cars on the road). He arrived home safely. My mom arrived at our house around 2 PM this afternoon. While we're sad to see Gary leave, it's good to see my mom. She was also quite thrilled to see the boys.
We went to our neighbor Chazity's house this morning and had an Easter egg hunt across the street from them at the Pembroke Meadows Elementary School park. Cole picked up about 10 eggs, then climbed onto the playground equipment and started throwing them at me. He thought that we were supposed to play catch with them... After our impromptu game of catch, we flew a kite that Chaz got us. It was great kite flying weather. We had a really good time.
Like I said, around 2 PM, my mom arrived. After catching up, she took the boys to the park with Katy, my sister, while Dalynn and I took a rare trip sans chilluns to Target. Dalynn and I pulled out while mom and the boys were strolling away, and Cole was not too happy about this.
Well, after we got back from Target, and after mom and the boys were back from their trip to the park, we were all sitting in the living room and Dalynn went to sit down on the couch next to Cole. Cole wanted nothing to do with Dalynn. Nothing. He even told her to get up. When she didn't, he got off the couch and walked over to Grammy. Grammy asked him if he was upset, and he said "Yes". When she asked him why, he started talking about "Mommy going to the store", ostensibly, without him!
Plain and simple, Cole had a grudge! It was quite hysterical. He and Dalynn resolved it shortly thereafter and hugs and kisses were exchanged.
At that point, Grammy, Katy, Cole and I headed off to the poop table. I know I've mentioned this before. It's the Thomas the Train table in the Hungate's at Pembroke Mall. Well, it worked its magic again today.
Cole was once again constipated, as he got Vincristine on Thursday. The poop table was the last chance for him to poop before we resorted to yet another enema. I kid you not, we hadn't been at the table for 2 minutes and he cut it loose. It's amazing, and quite a weird answer to prayer.
So, that was our day in a nutshell. Tomorrow's Easter, so y'all have a happy Easter!
We hope that you all had a wonderful Easter! I'm glad it sounds like Cole has finally relieved himself. I know that has to be very miserable and we went through that same issue with Sky and Vincristine. I hope that Cole stays feeling well. Please tell him that Sky says, "Hi". Talk to you soon!
Ok, maybe I missed it, but what's the poop table?
Well, I thought that I had explained the poop table, but maybe I didn't. The poop table is a Thomas the Train table at the Hungate's in Pembroke Mall. Whenever we go to it, Cole poops. And not only does he poop, but he poops within a couple minutes. He'll have been stopped up for a day or two, and then whoosh, out it comes. I'm quite thankful for the poop table.
Jennifer, thank you for your post. It's always good to hear from someone who's been there before, you know? If Cole were in a better mood, I'm sure he'd say "Hi" back to Sky! She's such a bright shining little girl, hehe. How're you all doing?
We hope that you all had a wonderful Easter! I'm glad it sounds like Cole has finally relieved himself. I know that has to be very miserable and we went through that same issue with Sky and Vincristine. I hope that Cole stays feeling well. Please tell him that Sky says, "Hi". Talk to you soon!
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