A gadget is simply an object (in a conceptual sense, not a programmatic sense) which takes an input, processes that input and produces an output. The platform will coordinate the gadgets in such a way that you can string gadgets together in order to get a chain of information, or a work flow, that you like.
Those are the concepts, but how does that play out in an application?
Well, the first idea that comes to mind is a service oriented architecture. Here, the gadgets have two components: a webservice that takes the input, does the processing and then gives an output; a component that plugs into the platform, interfaces with the webservice and provides any UI. A good example of a gadget is one that takes input and provides a visualization dependent on the input.
The platform would ideally be a flexible piece of software that would allow you to "wire together" different gadgets into the work flow that you want, among other things. I'd like to take a page out of Spring's book and make the wiring together of gadgets by the platform be definable in XML. This would allow for dynamic wiring at run time which would mean you could build an "application" out of gadgets as you saw fit, ad hoc.
I like the idea of using webserivces because it provides such flexibility. It also means that you could create a gadget out of an existing web service (assuming that it was all right with you that you don't control webservice).
All in all, it's a rather web 2.0 concept that I think we're developing here, and I really like it. I'd like to get to a place where someone could wire together their own version of the application and then run it, change things and then rerun it to see if the output changed. Remember, this software is in support of research, so the ability to prototype a system is incredibly useful.
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