
    Thursday, October 25, 2007

    A Weighty Matter

    Here's a picture of Logan and I that I took, hence the really funny angle. It kind of illustrates my point today, though (in a very round-about way).

    A few months back, I had one of my co-workers over for lunch at our place. While I was making sandwiches, he was perusing the pictures we have and he stopped and asked me a very funny question: "Who's this guy with Dalynn in this picture, her brother?"

    It was, in fact, a picture of Dalynn and me. An older picture from when we were dating, as a matter of fact. Why didn't he recognize me, you might ask? Well, it was probably due to the over 50 lbs. that I have put on since that time. I guess I just look a lot different, especially in the face.

    But, the funny thing, is that I don't see the difference! Well, normally, I don't.

    When I look at old pics of myself, I see me. When I look in the mirror, I see me. Now, I can see differences, but I really think that since I was "along for the ride", so to speak, I don't see the radical differences that others see when they look at these two seemingly different Mikes.

    I wish I could hop into someone elses brain for a minute to see what they see. I really do. I'd love to see, just for a second, what others images are of me. I'm sure that they see things very differently than I do. I think it would be interesting (and maybe dismaying or uplifting, who knows).

    Now, I wish I really felt like tying that into some post about how God sees us verse how we see ourselves, but to be honest, that's pretty cliched and I don't feel like peddling a cliche! So, you'll just have to make due with my thought for the day as it stands.

    Wednesday, October 24, 2007

    Haircuts and Whatnot

    So, we took Cole to have his first hair cut this last weekend. Our friend, Christy Montoya did it. She also did Dalynn's hair (which looks great). It's almost a shame, though, that Ira (his Grandmother) couldn't do it. I'm sure she would have loved to.

    Cole did very well, and only cried once when Christy started cutting the front. We told Cole that she was using "safety scissors", like Micky Mouse uses in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It was quite funny when Cole kept referring to these extremely long and dangerous looking scissors as "safety scissors" and would then nod his head. Course, I don't know if he has a clue that there are scissors that aren't safe, or if, in fact, he knows what safety is at all. Whatever, he did well and we enjoyed Christy proclaiming how well he did (as most prideful parents will, hah!).

    I've recently been getting a lot of hands-on with Logan (a lot more, I guess I should say). For the most part, when I'm around (and not at work) I try to manage Cole to let Dalynn focus on Logan. However, Dalynn has started leaving Logan with me the last few times she's gone to her Bible studies.

    Luckily, Cole is generally in bed when I'm burping and putting Logan down. I tell you, I don't know how Dalynn manages it on a day-to-day basis! It's tough for me to manage just one of them (well, not tough, now, but not a cake-walk, either). The few times I've had to manage both together have been nerve-wracking! The art of doing everything with one arm is something that is not easy to get. Lord help me when they can both run...

    So, all in all, I appreciate what my wife does immensely and it's something I don't imagine I could replicate as easily.

    Tuesday, October 23, 2007

    Super Cole

    This is super Cole! He streaks around the house like a flash, his cape billowing in the wake of his passage.

    Sometimes he'll even stand with his hands on his hips and give you the evil eye!

    Fly, Super Cole, fly!

    The Elephant Song

    I want to see how hard it is to embed a movie in a blog entry. I'll just try grabbing one off of our web album...

    Well, booger! Turns out that I have to have a copy of the video on this machine to upload. Here's a link to the movie that I was going to upload: Clicky!

    This is the Elephant Song, which Cole and I came up with one day while we were playing guitar together. Cole came up with the name, I supplied the lyrics and the music, then Cole refined the lyrics to the most essential portions.

    I've had a few folks say that I should YouTube this little clip, and I've been thinking about it, but haven't had a great impetus to do it, yet. Travis and, to some small degree, Anthony, two of the guys I work with, think it would be a cult hit. Being biased as I am, I'd have to agree!

    So, the question really becomes, should I let this out to the world?

    Edit: Got home and now I'm uploading the movie.

    First Post

    So, I figured it was time to get on the blog train, and here I am. I'll be trying to keep up with this by posting things like cute stories of Cole and Logan and any random personal thoughts I can come up with.

    For the time being, I'm going to play with some of the toys on here, like posting this picture.

    I'll also try a movie at some point soon. I think a movie in a blog is a cool thing, personally.

    Well, I should probably get back to work. Maybe I'll post some more later on today...