I thought that you would all love to see the blackmail material we captured on Cole today! I was humming a silly song, and Cole started breaking it down, so we decided to capture it for posterity sake, and I think it speaks for itself!
We had a good Christmas, despite the fact both boys were sick. We thankfully didn't have to spend this Christmas in the hospital (though when Cole started running a fever, we thought we might) and we were blessed to have Gary here to celebrate it with us. Both boys got plenty of toys and goodies, let me tell you. I'm thinking we'll need to do a toy purge after all of this. Cole got a bike, and Logan got a tricycle and the fact that it was 60F on Christmas day made it all the better for bike riding.
I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the latest member of our family, Charlie the Panda. Cole recently gave up Pacy and Hair so we made a big deal about going to pick out a stuffed animal to replace them and took him to the Build-A-Bear Workshop where Charlie was born.
Now, before you ooo and aaaah over Charlie, take a moment and consider the plight of the Panda. Poor Charlie has been thrown up on 4 times already, has been dropped in the mud once and has been washed so many times that the fur covering his nose is almost completely gone. I assure you, if most Pandas are treated as roughly as Charlie is, I can understand why they are endangered.
Despite all of that, however, Charlie is well loved and has become a permanent attachment to our retinue.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas (or a wonderful Christmahanakwanza, as the case may be) and that you all have a happy New Year!